In this country, the way I was raised, work was the measure of a person. I'm first generation born American. We came here for the work. I did my best taking advantage of the opportunities I was presented. When I rounded the bend towards retirement, however, I was warned and didn't heed it. I don't think understanding the entirety of the warning would have changed anything. I was well on my way to nowhere I would really want to be. It would prove to be a marker, however, to find my way back to where I needed to be to find happiness and a sense of self.
Thank you for listening.
Different Ways: Sixteen Tons, Excerpts Chapter 23, pp. 167-171
The natural world - the world I was not paying attention to - was attending to me. It was reminding me that what I needed was not the success I strove for but to stop and hazard living authentically.
I looked at the morning
After being up all night
I looked at my haggard face in the bathroom light
I looked out the window
And I I saw that ragged soul take flight
I saw a back crow flying
In a blue sky
Oh I'm like a black crow flying
In a blue sky
Thank you for joining me here. The memoir Different Ways: Revealing the Feminine can be purchased through my website using a link to Village Books at AlltheDifferentWays.com. There will soon be an eBook version available with an independent retailer. The e-book on Amazon is a bit of a mess but free if you are a Kindle member. Don't buy it. Parts are missing in the E-Book.
The BlogCast that outlines my intentions for this series of readings from my book, Different Ways, Revealing the Feminine can be found here in the post, Between the Lines.