Human beings have walked this planet for millennia and over this time we have evolved. We continue to evolve and adapt to all of the manifestations that we have created and encountered. We are now entering into an unprecedented cycle of evolution that involves our expanding our consciousness. We have learned all we can learn from living in a duality - perceiving all of our relationships as US and the OTHER. We have experienced both the light and the dark of the consequent hierarchies.
There are no models and leaders or decorum to this new, expanded perception. This shift in consciousness is seeded in people's personal power. We are accessing areas of our minds and the powers within that were not previously accessible to us. As stupid and insane as it sounds, in many ways we are making our reality up as we go. Literally we are creating our reality as we live it now. We are in a choose your own adventure format.
Djehuty discusses this deep shift in consciousness and the consequent need to re-frame our relationship to our history as we are recalling it. They describe how we view the world through the lens of duality skews our perception. A few rudimentary/elementary tools to employ to aid in our reaching a broader understanding of employing our personal power are given. Our relationship to our own divine intelligence is explored through a deep dive to reveal to ourselves how we define our personal power and how we might want to examine that now.
Thank you for listening.
This video is an excerpt from the volume, Conscious Revolution Tools for 2012 and Beyond within the book, Djehuty Speaks.
“Djehuty Speaks” is a book of materials channeled by Tom Jacobs , astrologer and psychic, also known as Seth Adams. These teachings are from the Ascended Master known as Djehuty, Thoth, St. Germain or Merlin. These teachings are included as four smaller books: “Approaching Love” - “Understanding Loss and Death” - “Goddess Past, Present and Future” and “Conscious Revolution Tools for 2012 and Beyond “- within the book “Djehuty Speaks”. This book can be purchase at Amazon.com
Text read by Cile Stanbrough. https://www.allthedifferentways.com/
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