By virtue of being a human being, we all have access to support from the planet. We have earth, water, air and - from the depths of her belly, fire. We are of the earth. This small meditation is a template for developing intention and opening oneself up to receiving what is often habitually denied access in the human body: the earth/body consciousness connection. It is designed to assist a person when sitting in a natural environment but is applicable to all quiet contemplative settings because, essentially, everything and everywhere we are, so is the earth. It is big. We are big... and what is essential in all of this is beyond the linear, logical mind...there is benevolence.
Save this and return to it often as a contemplative baseline.
Thank you for listening.
This video is an excerpt from the volume, Goddess Past, Present & Future within the book, Djehuty Speaks.
“Djehuty Speaks” is a book of materials channeled by Tom Jacobs , astrologer and psychic, also known as Seth Adams. These teachings are from the Ascended Master known as Djehuty, Thoth, St. Germain or Merlin. These teachings are included as four smaller books: “Approaching Love” - “Understanding Loss and Death” - “Goddess Past, Present and Future” and “Conscious Revolution Tools for 2012 and Beyond “- within the book “Djehuty Speaks”. This book can be purchase at Amazon.com
Text read by Cile Stanbrough. https://www.allthedifferentways.com/
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