In this post, Djehuty speaks about how altering how we see ourselves influences how we see our children. As people envisioning with a deeply wounded lens cultivated by years of myopic focus, we have only been able to see our children through this visual impairment. This has created cycles of defective development. Stepping into the awareness of ourselves as beings who are consistently creating our reality around our soul's intention means that this is also true for our children. Consequently, how we have been raising our children to be safe is actually placing them directly in harms way as these changes unfold. Raising children has been, at its most basic function, a process of perpetuating a male dominant energetic profile to sustain the societal structures that are accepted as the norm. These social systems are punitive and fear-based constructs that are changing.
Djehuty explains some of the ways to untangle ourselves from a millennia of misinformation about our true natures as human beings so we can live and raise our children in an authentic manner that allows them to be recognized as whole, living beings and not simply a splinter from something greater than themselves. Important questions we can ask ourselves about our own perceptions are suggested.
I am posting an audio only file that can also be found on my podcast page.
The YouTube Channel with all of these teaching videos can be found HERE.
Tom Jacobs. About the author and his channeling work: HERE
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Text read by Cile Stanbrough.
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