The sun looks small and inconsequential from where we sit. It is easy to think that this is a quiet, benevolent force in our lives. But we are just what is standing between this great source of life and the solar heart that is buried deep within the earth's core. It is a love story we think is about us but the love story is with what is beneath our feet. We are merely witnesses to this mystical conversation and reciprocated love because the sun needs not barter with what is divine and of itself. We are learning about this love as we examine our unique shadows the light allows us. We live our lives between these two lovers and their larger story.
Thank you for listening.
Music: I was guided to this video. I do not recall ever seeing it in the eighties, which strikes me as really bazaar as I really liked watching videos on MTV in the beginning. It is beautiful, as is the song. Of particular note is how the shadows work with this choreography and the music.
The original post in this series of poems by Hafiz can be found here.
The Gift: Poems by Hafiz and translated by Daniel Ladinsky can be purchased here.