Different Ways #23, Early Life East of West, Part Two
More stories from childhood as my relationship to the world grew beyond the neighborhood, into the town and out into the world.
My love of nature, road trips, adventure, reading, movies, performing and seeing new things whether alone or with family was seeded in these experiences. How being drilled at school for a nuclear attack response seeded an over arching sense of impending doom. Recalling how television with its insidious pressure to consume encroached on my once active lifestyle. Importantly, too, how my world view expanded with my family trip to the heated, arid lands of Arizona. It would set a course for my future as something deep within me was inspirited then that took years to mature.
Thank you for listening.
Different Ways, Chapter 3, Early Life East of West, Part Two, pp. 31-36
Music: As my life cycled around, I found myself at 35 years old heading back to that Bedouin port, Phoenix, Arizona with its warm desert nights that left such a deep impression on me at age 7. When my lost memories caught me up into the spiral of time, it felt to me like this video looks and sounds. I returned to Arizona to connect to something sacred within me that would not be bound by linear time and could not be found in the north. Though I didn't realize it fully at the time, it was a critical juncture of my life.
...Sweet desert rose
This memory of Eden haunts us all
This desert flower
This rare perfume, is the sweet intoxication of the fall...
Thank you for joining me here. The memoir Different Ways: Revealing the Feminine can be purchased through my website using a link to Village Books at AlltheDifferentWays.com. There will soon be an eBook version available with an independent retailer. The e-book on Amazon is a bit of a mess but free if you are a Kindle member.
The BlogCast that outlines my intentions for this series of readings from my book, Different Ways, Revealing the Feminine can be found here in the post, Between the Lines.