Different Ways #25, Chapter 4, A Little Knowledge, Part Two
The bumpy, E-ticket ride from the 50's to the 60's. My confusion and assumptions mount as I react to religion, sex and relationship dynamics. The incorrigible drive of popular culture continued to swell gathering me up with the scores of other preteens to carry us deeper into the mysteries.
Thank you for listening.
Different Ways, Chapter 4, A Little Knowledge, pp. 42-46.
Music: Sent to deliver us all...The Who, that's who. Never before was there such a large age group on the planet who were more inclined and less equipped to attempt to rule the world. That didn't stop those of us so privileged from making demands and some of our most innovative musicians alive to score our epic Grand Tour of delusion as we attempted to wake up.
Thank you for joining me here. The memoir Different Ways: Revealing the Feminine can be purchased through my website using a link to Village Books at AlltheDifferentWays.com. There will soon be an eBook version available with an independent retailer. The e-book on Amazon is a bit of a mess but free if you are a Kindle member.
The BlogCast that outlines my intentions for this series of readings from my book, Different Ways, Revealing the Feminine can be found here in the post, Between the Lines.